Late miocene evolution of Kargı fan delta (aksu basin, antalya)

Serkan Üner*, Kadir Dirik, Attila Çiner

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6 Citations (Scopus)


Miocene Aksu Basin is a foreland basin, located on the southern part of the Anatolian peninsula in Africa-Eurasia subduction zone. The basin fill is composed of shallow marine clastics and carbonates and coarse grained fan delta deposits. In this study, structural and sedimentological evolution of Tortonian Kargi{dotless} Fan Delta developed in the western part of the basin is examined in the context of tectonism and sea level changes. Facies, depositional processes and sub-environments (e.g. alluvial fan, lagoon, fan delta front) of this coarse grained fan delta sequence, indicate both regressive and transgressive periods. Alternations of continental red beds with shallow marine conglomerates containing patch reefs are very typical. Changes in the depositional characteristics of fan delta can be explained by regional tectonism and related sea level changes together with the amount of sediments carried into the basin. Kargi{dotless} Fan Delta is a key sedimentary sequence in the understanding of the evolution of the Aksu Basin.

Translated title of the contributionKargı yelpaze deltası'nın (aksu havzası, antalya) geç miyosen evrimi
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)121-138
Number of pages18
JournalYerbilimleri/ Earth Sciences
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes


  • Aksu basin
  • Kargi fan delta
  • Miocene
  • Patch reefs


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