Insensitive current-mode universal filter with low component spread using dual-output current conveyors

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3 Citations (Scopus)


A novel universal current-mode active filter with four inputs and one output is presented, which contains only three dual-output current conveyors and all grounded passive components. The proposed active filter realizes all the filter responses at a high impedance output without requiring any passive component matching conditions. The filter has low passive and active sensitivities and it also offers the attractive feature of the orthogonal control of the pole quality factor and the pole natural frequency. The low component spread of this filter is expected to increase the accuracy of the filter parameters especially for high-Q filters.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)127-132
Number of pages6
JournalAEU-Archiv fur Elektronik und Ubertragungstechnik
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2000


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