Hyperfine structure investigations of Mn I - Part I: Experimental and theoretical studies of the hyperfine structure in the even configurations

Günay Başar*, Gönül Başar*, Gülay Acar, Ipek K. Öztürk, Sophie Kröger

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17 Citations (Scopus)


Optogalvanic laser spectroscopy has been applied to measure the hyperfine structure of 12 spectral lines of Mn I in the wavelength regions of 660-645 nm and 933-911 nm. Experimental hyperfine structure constants A and B of the isotope 55 Mn have been determined for seven levels of even and seven levels of odd parity. Additionally, a parametric analysis of the fine structure and the magnetic dipole hyperfine structure has been performed for the three even configurations 3d54s2, 3d64s and 3d7. Very large values for the ratio a3d10/a3d01 are found. Theoretical predictions for the magnetic dipole hyperfine structure constants A for all levels of the configurations 3d54s2, 3d54s and 3d7 are given.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)476-484
Number of pages9
JournalPhysica Scripta
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2003


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