Holocene sedimentary history of South Danamandıra Lake: a peatland in west of İstanbul, Çatalca Peninsula, NW Turkey

Özlem Makaroğlu*, Melda Küçükdemirci, Nurgül Karlioğlu Kiliç, Dursun Acar, Ali Gürel, Rüya Yilmaz Dağdeviren, Nurettin Yakupoğlu, Asen Sabuncu, Damla Şahin Altun, M. Ömer Karaöz, M. Namık Çağatay

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This study investigates the sedimentological evolution of the South Danamandıra Lake (SDL) lake in Çatalca Peninsula, 70 km west of İstanbul, using Georadar data and multiproxy analyses of five sediment cores. The lake is a 1.3-m deep, endorheic freshwater peatland, heavily colonised by common reed (Phragmites sp.). The multiproxy core investigations include a lithological core description and environmental magnetism, physical properties (gamma density and magnetic susceptibility), geochemical elemental, pollen and radiocarbon dating analyses. The lithological sequence in the lake consists of an upper peat unit and a lower sand-silt-clay unit. The peat unit is characterized by lower magnetic susceptibility, density and lithophile elements (K, Fe, Ti, and Zr) concentrations than the sand-silt-clay unit. Overall interpretation of the multiproxy data and the age-depth model suggest that the SDL was formed in a shallow depression of a fluvial channel at ca 10.9 cal kyr BP, and became a eutrophic lake at 8.1 cal kyr BP during the early Holocene warm period. Redox-sensitive element (i.e. Mn) distribution and mineral magnetic properties indicate that the peat unit has accumulated under anoxic conditions below a thin oxic surficial layer. Increase in the Taraxacum, Asteraceae, and Poaceae pollen percentages, together with high siliciclastic inputs in the lake, indicate that anthropogenic influence in the area started at 5.4 cal kyr BP.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5
Pages (from-to)410-423
Number of pages14
JournalTurkish Journal of Earth Sciences
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:


  • Danamandıra Lake
  • environmental magnetism
  • geochemical properties
  • geophysical survey
  • Holocene
  • peatland
  • Çatalca


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