Highly CO2 Selective Microporous Metal-Imidazolate Framework-Based Mixed Matrix Membranes

Mahdi Ahmadi, Ender Taş, Ayşe Klllç, Volkan Kumbaracl, Naciye Tallnll, M. Göktuǧ Ahunbay*, Birgül Tantekin-Ersolmaz

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Citations (Scopus)


Microporous metal-imidazolate framework (MMIF), a highly CO2 selective MOF, was incoporated into a polymeric membrane for separation of CO2 from CH4 and N2 for the first time. MMIF nanoparticles of 50-200 nm were synthesized using the sonication method and dispersed into Matrimid, a commercial polyimide, with MOF loading of 10% and 20% by weight to fabricate mixed matrix membranes (MMMs). Morphology, thermal behavior, and glass transition temperature of the membranes were characterized, and single and mixed gas permeation measurements at 35 °C and 4 bar feed pressure were carried out to reveal their separation performance. Both 10% and 20% MMIF containing Matrimid membranes exhibited enhanced gas permeabilities for all three gases. Contrary to expectations, ideal selectivity of membranes was not improved possibly due to the flexible framework of MMIF. On the other hand, mixed gas permeability measurements showed significant improvement in CO2/CH4 separation factor by 130% and CO2/N2 separation factor by 79% due to competitive adsorption favoring CO2.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)35936-35946
Number of pages11
JournalACS applied materials & interfaces
Issue number41
Publication statusPublished - 18 Oct 2017

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 American Chemical Society.


  • CO separation
  • Matrimid
  • mixed matrix membrane
  • MMIF
  • MOF
  • polyimide


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