Halloysite nanoclay doped ceramic membrane fabrication and evaluation of textile wastewater treatment performance

Meltem Ağtaş, Mehmet Dilaver, İsmail Koyuncu*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

17 Citations (Scopus)


In this study, halloysite nanoclay-doped ultrafiltration and tight-ultrafiltration ceramic membranes were fabricated by sequential layer deposition using relatively low temperatures. The produced membranes were structurally characterized by contact angle tests and a scanning electron microscope. The pure water flux and bovine serum albumin removal were also examined, in order to determine the performance of the membranes. Finally, 3 different real wastewater treatability tests were carried out and the change in membrane performance was observed by using hot textile wastewater. In the coated membranes, the pure water flux decreased from 2000 L/(m2.h) to 100 L/(m2.h) for the ultrafiltration membrane and from about 370 L/(m2.h) to 23 L/(m2.h) for the tight-ultrafiltration membrane. In the bovine serum albumin removal efficiency test, approximately 30 % removal was obtained for the ultrafiltration membrane and 100 % for the tight-ultrafiltration membrane. In real wastewater filtration tests performed with the tight- ultrafiltration membrane, the average removal efficiency of approximately 40 % and above 44 % was obtained for chemical oxygen demand and total organic carbon and color removal, respectively. Finally, in the hot water test, it was observed that the permeate flux increased approximately 3 times, but there was no significant decrease in the treatment efficiency.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)72-80
Number of pages9
JournalProcess Safety and Environmental Protection
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Institution of Chemical Engineers


  • Ceramic membrane coating
  • Halloysite nanoclay
  • Textile wastewater treatment


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