Full-scale cfd analysis of double-m craft seakeeping performance in regular head waves

Deniz Ozturk, Cihad Delen*, Simone Mancini*, Mehmet Ozan Serifoglu, Turgay Hizarci

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11 Citations (Scopus)


This study presents the full-scale resistance and seakeeping performance of an awarded Double-M craft designed as a 15 m next-generation Emergency Response and Rescue Vessel (ERRV). For this purpose, the Double-M craft is designed by comprising the benchmark Delft 372 catamaran with an additional center and two side hulls. First, the resistance and seakeeping analyses of Delft 372 catamaran are simulated on the model scale to verify and compare the numerical setup for Fr = 0.7. Second, the seakeeping performance of the full-scale Double-M craft is examined at Fr = 0.7 in regular head waves (λ/L = 1 to 2.5) for added resistance and 2-DOF motion responses. The turbulent flow is simulated by the unsteady RANS method with the Realizable Two-Layer k-ε scheme. The calm water is represented by the flat VOF (Volume of Fluid) wave, while the incident long waves are represented by the fifth-order Stokes wave. The residual resistance of the Double-M craft is improved by 2.45% compared to that of the Delft 372 catamaran. In the case of maximum improvement (at λ/L = 1.50), the relative added resistance of the Double-M craft is 10.34% lower than the Delft 372 catamaran; moreover, the heave and pitch motion responses were 72.5% and 35.5% less, respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Article number504
JournalJournal of Marine Science and Engineering
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - May 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


  • Added resistance
  • Delft 372 catamaran
  • Double-M craft
  • Full-scale CFD
  • Multi-hull


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