Frequency dependent electrical and dielectric properties of the Au/(RuO2:PVC)/n-Si (MPS) structures

Muhammet Tahir Güneşer, Hasan Elamen*, Yosef Badali, Şemsettin Altíndal

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13 Citations (Scopus)


In this study, the electrical and dielectric characteristics of the Au/(RuO2:PVC)/n-Si structures were analyzed using the impedance spectroscopy method, including capacitance/conductance (C - G/ω) measurements in wide voltage and frequency ranges (±4 V, 5 kHz – 5 MHz) at room temperature. The main electrical parameters such as concentration of donor atoms (ND), diffusion potential (VD), depletion layer thickness (WD), Fermi energy level (EF), barrier height (ΦB), and maximum electric field (Em) were extracted for each measured frequency. The ΦB, WD, and EF values are increasing with increased frequency, while ND and Em exponentially decrease. The surface-states (NSS) were evaluated using the low–high-frequency capacitance technique. Furthermore, the basic dielectric parameters such as tangent-loss (tan δ), electrical conductivity (σac), real and imaginary parts of ε*, electric-modulus (M*), and complex impedance (Z*) were investigated. The obtained results indicate that the NSS, and RuO2:PVC organic interlayer are more effective on C and G/ω measurements.

Original languageEnglish
Article number414791
JournalPhysica B: Condensed Matter
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2023
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Elsevier B.V.


  • C–V and G/ω-V characteristics
  • Electrical and dielectric properties
  • RuO:PVC
  • Schottky structures


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