Experimental assessment of polynomial nonlinear state-space and nonlinear-mode models for near-resonant vibrations

Maren Scheel*, Gleb Kleyman, Ali Tatar, Matthew R.W. Brake, Simon Peter, Jean Philippe Noël, Matthew S. Allen, Malte Krack

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20 Citations (Scopus)


In the present paper, two existing nonlinear system identification methodologies are used to identify data-driven models. The first methodology focuses on identifying the system using steady-state excitations. To accomplish this, a phase-locked loop controller is implemented to acquire periodic oscillations near resonance and construct a nonlinear-mode model. This model is based on amplitude-dependent modal properties, i.e. does not require nonlinear basis functions. The second methodology exploits uncontrolled experiments with broadband random inputs to build polynomial nonlinear state-space models using advanced system identification tools. The methods are applied to two experimental test rigs, a magnetic cantilever beam and a free-free beam with a lap joint. The respective models obtained by either method for both specimens are then challenged to predict dynamic, near-resonant behavior observed under different sine and sine-sweep excitations. The vibration prediction of the nonlinear-mode and state-space models clearly highlight capabilities and limitations. The nonlinear-mode model, by design, yields a perfect match at resonance peaks and high accuracy in close vicinity. However, it is limited to well-spaced modes and sinusoidal excitation. The state-space model covers a wider dynamic range, including transient excitations. However, the real-life nonlinearities considered in this study can only be approximated by polynomial basis functions. Consequently, the identified state-space models are found to be highly input-dependent, in particular for sinusoidal excitations where they are found to lead to a low predictive capability.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106796
JournalMechanical Systems and Signal Processing
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2020
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd


  • Jointed structures
  • Modal testing, nonlinear normal modes
  • Nonlinear modal analysis
  • Nonlinear system identification
  • Polynomial nonlinear state-space identification


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