Evaluation of rapid seismic safety assessment methods on a substandard reinforced concrete building stock in Istanbul

Hasan Huseyin Aydogdu*, Cem Demir, Tayfun Kahraman, Alper Ilki

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


Exposure, hazard and vulnerability are the components of seismic risk, and knowledge on the vulnerability of the existing buildings is vital to properly assess their risks in seismically active regions. Unfortunately, it is not easy to assess the vulnerability of individual buildings realistically in large building stocks, particularly for regions where the buildings do not comply with the current and previous code regulations. In this study, for assessing the accuracy, applicability and cost-effectiveness of available rapid seismic safety assessment procedures for individual reinforced concrete buildings in huge building stocks, five second stage and three rapid visual screening methods are examined in a comparative manner. For this purpose, these eight methods are used to assess the seismic risks of actual service buildings of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, which had been previously evaluated by the third-level detailed code-based seismic performance assessment procedures. Furthermore, comprehensive site works have been conducted to compute the average time required for collecting data on each parameter necessary to use the investigated rapid assessment methods. Finally, the most cost and time-effective, and highly accurate rapid assessment method among the examined ones is selected to be applied to a vast amount of structures in Istanbul to prioritize them in terms of their seismic risks and plan the large volume mitigation interventions through a realistic and efficient approach.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104962
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 Institution of Structural Engineers


The authors wish to thank Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality for supplying the structural parameters of the buildings and technical support. The authors of this paper also wish to thank the scientific advisory committee members of the project carried out by the IMM: Mehmet Nuray Aydınoğlu, Zekai Celep, Ufuk Yazgan, Kutay Orakçal, Nusret Suna, Recep İyisan, Mustafa Erdik, Sibel Özkan, Chamber of Civil Engineers Istanbul Branch and Turkish Earthquake Foundation. The valuable contributions of Mustafa Comert, Kutay Orakcal, Nahit Kumbasar, Mucip Tapan and Denizhan Ulugtekin during the development of the initial version of PERA method are highly acknowledged. The authors would like to thank to Oğuz Cem Çelik and Özgür Avşar for their contributions to the preparation of this article. The authors are also grateful to the developers of rapid seismic assessment methods, which are evaluated in the scope of this study, for their contributions to the literature.

FundersFunder number
Civil Engineers Istanbul Branch and Turkish Earthquake Foundation
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality


    • Building stock
    • Rapid seismic assessment
    • Reinforced concrete buildings
    • Resilience
    • Seismic
    • Sub-standard


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