Evaluation of lead-zinc flotation tailings

Fatma Arslan*, Yildiz Aykaç, K. Tahsin Perek, Güven Önal

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Aladaǧ (Kayseri-Turkey) lead-zinc sulfide-oxide ores contain 10.17% Pb, 10.98 %Zn, 164 g/t Cd and 57 g/t Ag. During the laboratory scale flotation tests of these ores, it was found that almost all zinc was remained in the tailings that contain 12.31% Zn, 1.35%Pb, 198.3 g/t Cd, and 22.3%Fe. Three different methods were studied such as basic (NaOH) leaching, roasting+acidic (H2SO4) leaching and direct acidic (H2SO 4) leaching for recovering metals that these tailings contain. In the direct acidic leaching, which gave the best results, dissolution efficiencies of 91.5% zinc, 78.2% cadmium, and 14.3% iron were reached at the optimum leaching conditions while Pb remained in the leach residues and the acid consumption was 422.3 kg/ton of tailings.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSohn International Symposium
Subtitle of host publicationAdvanced Processing of Metals and Materials - Proceedings of the International Symposium
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Event2006 TMS Fall Extraction and Processing Division: Sohn International Symposium - San Diego, CA, United States
Duration: 27 Aug 200631 Aug 2006

Publication series

Name2006 TMS Fall Extraction and Processing Division: Sohn International Symposium


Conference2006 TMS Fall Extraction and Processing Division: Sohn International Symposium
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySan Diego, CA


  • Acidic leaching
  • Basic leaching
  • Flotation
  • Lead
  • Zinc


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