Environmentally friendly lubricating oil candidate

Aykut Özgülsün, Filiz Karaosmanoǧlu*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


Synthetic lubricating oils based on renewable sources, excluding petroleum, have a great importance among all of the lubricating oil alternatives that are included in the research field about clean and environmentally friendly lubricating oil technologies. One of the environmentally friendly lubricating oils is a vegetable oil-based product. In this study, the esterification product of oleic acid with a fraction of molasses fusel oil as a lubricating oil candidate was determined according to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard tests. The results indicate that the ester product can be used as an environmental friendly lubricating oil or lubricating oil additive.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)83-89
Number of pages7
JournalApplied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Publication statusPublished - 1999


  • Environmental friendly lubricating oil lubricating oil properties
  • Fusel oil
  • Lubricating oil vegetable oil- based lubricating oil
  • Oleic acid
  • Transesterification


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