Electrocopolymerization of pyrrole with bis(4-aminobutyl) polydimethylsiloxane

Belkis Ustamehmetoǧlu*, Nilgün Kizilcan, Ömer Demir

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8 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to synthesise the block copolymer of pyrrole (Py) with bis(4-inobutyl)polydimethylsiloxane (DA.PDMS) by electrochemical method. The characterisation of the insoluble block copolymers, P(Py-b-DA.PDMS), was performed by cyclovoltammetric measurements, solid-state conductivity and DSC measurements. The surface morphology of the copolymers was examined with scanning electron microscope (SEM). Design/methodology/approach - Electropolymerisation process was performed potentiostatically and potentiodynamically. Redox behaviour of the resulting copolymer films was investigated. In-situ spectroelectrochemical measurement was carried out on indium thin oxide (ITO) electrodes. Findings - The ionisation potentials (Ip), electron affinity (Ea), optical band gap (Eg), peak potentials (Ep), and doping degree (y) of copolymers were calculated by using in-situ spectroelectrochemical measurement results. The copolymers have slightly lower doping degree, band gap, Ip and Ea values than homopolymer. Copolymers had the conductivities of 10-5?S/cm and had Tg values. Research limitations/implications - This study can also be focused on obtaining conductive copolymer with insulator DA.PDMS blocks on the PPy chain by one-step polymerisation. Practical implications - This work provides technical information for the synthesis and characterisation of conducting block copolymer by electrochemical method. Originality/value - Change in optical and electrical properties of the P(Py-b-DA.PDMS) shows the role of the individual properties of the copolymer blocks. While the DSC scan of PPy showed no transition temperature, which is a characteristic property of conducting copolymers, P(Py-b-DA.PDMS) had Tg values. This might be due to the inclusion of the DA.PDMS blocks on the PPy chains.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)179-186
Number of pages8
JournalPigment and Resin Technology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • Copolymer
  • Electrochemistry
  • Electropolymerisation
  • Polydimethylsiloxane
  • Polymers
  • Polypyrrole


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