Effects of particle-wall interactions on the thermodynamic behavior of gases at the nano scale

C. Firat, A. Sisman*, Z. F. Ozturk

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5 Citations (Scopus)


The thermodynamic behavior of gases confined in nano structures is considerably different than those in macro ones due to the effects of both particle-wall interactions and the wave character of particles. The homogeneous density distribution of a gas at thermodynamic equilibrium is disturbed by these effects. Because of particle-wall interactions, the local density of a gas changes drastically near the domain boundaries. Also, the wave character of the particles causes an inhomogeneous density distribution, especially near the boundaries. Consequently, the apparent density (number of particles over the domain volume) is different than the real one. All the density-dependent thermodynamic properties are affected by the inhomogeneity in the density distribution. Therefore, it is important to consider these effects on local density to analyze the thermodynamic behaviors of gases confined in nano structures. The detailed analysis of these effects on local density also gives a base of knowledge for the experimental verification of quantum size effects on local density due to the wave character of particles. In this study, the density distributions of classical (Maxwellian) and quantum (both Fermi and Bose) gases are calculated and investigated by considering both particle-wall interactions and quantum size effects. The results can be used for experimental verification of quantum size effects on gas density as well as the modeling of nano heat engines.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)155-161
Number of pages7
JournalInternational Journal of Thermodynamics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2011


  • Density distribution
  • Lennard-Jones potential
  • Quantum size effects
  • Thermodynamic properties


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