Effect of promoter orientation on enhancement of heat transfer from vertical fins

Seyhan U. Onbasioglu*, Huseyin Onbasioglu, Nilufer Egrican

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The promoters redirect the flow and enhance the heat transfer both in laminar and turbulent cases. In the present study, the special care has been intensified first on the parameters such as the height and the pitch of the promoters and then the orientation of the repeated promoters with varying heights has been investigated. It is concluded that the enhancement of the heat transfer is sensitive to all of the parameters. Meanwhile, turbulence has been observed exceeding a certain value of the promoter height and the separation region occurring along the downstream plate has been analyzed. The flow and temperature fields have been obtained by means of a modified kepsilon turbulence model developed for the present case. Results of the 3-D computations compare well with the experimental observations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)75-78
Number of pages4
JournalAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers, Heat Transfer Division, (Publication) HTD
Publication statusPublished - 2000


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