Effect of packaging and encapsulation on the oxidative and sensory stability of omega-3 supplements

Hande Yenipazar, Neşe Şahin-Yeşilçubuk*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


Omega-3 fatty acid consumption is getting more common due to its positive impacts on human health. Since consumers cannot get their omega-3 needs from natural sources, omega-3-rich products play an essential part in the diet. However, they are highly susceptible to oxidation; thus, storage conditions affect their quality. Product form is also another critical factor for stability. In this study, fatty acid composition, oxidative stability, and sensory properties of different omega-3 products having varied packaging types were investigated. Moreover, the effect of consumer behavior regarding the recommended usage was assessed during storage. Syrup forms (maximum values at the end of the storage: PV = 44.6 meq/kg oil for S32, p-AV = 16.87 for S22, and TOTOX = 96.94 for S11) are more susceptible to oxidation than capsule (maximum values at the end of the storage: PV = 7.62 meq/kg oil for C31, p-AV = 19.58 for C12, and TOTOX = 30.44 for C12) and chewable forms (maximum values at the end of the storage: PV = 26.14 meq/kg oil for G12, p-AV = 13.47 for G12, and TOTOX = 65.76 for G12). In addition, capsules complied more with limit values during storage and were better protected according to the sensory scores. The aroma and taste of the omega-3 products generally changed in a negative manner during storage. Capsulated samples were better protected according to the sensory evaluation scores at the end of the storage period. Fish oil samples belonging to the same company but provided from different stores showed significant differences, which is an indicator of nonstandard raw material, ingredient, or processing.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1426-1440
Number of pages15
JournalFood Science and Nutrition
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 The Authors. Food Science & Nutrition published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.


This research was financially supported by ITUNOVA Technology Transfer Office (TTO) Project No: 2021000924 (BSTB Code: 70671).

FundersFunder number
ITUNOVA Technology Transfer Office
TTO2021000924, 70671


    • consumer behavior
    • omega-3 fatty acids
    • oxidative stability
    • packaging
    • sensory analysis
    • storage study


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