Design procedure for carbon removal in contact stabilization activated sludge process

M. Sarioǧlu*, D. Orhon, Erdem Görgün, N. Artan

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


The contact stabilization activated sludge process (CSASP) has been adopted and applied in full scale plants treating domestic sewage. Acquiring smaller volume thereby reducing costs and achieving the same treatment efficiency as the conventional activated sludge plants are the main advantages of the CSASP. This activated sludge modification is especially ideal for small to mid-scale plants where influent wastewater contains a high fraction of paniculate COD. The simulation results reveal that the same amount of mass sludge can be retained in the system with almost 30% volume reduction compared to conventional activated sludge plants. It is also found that the CSASP treatment efficiency increases when the particulate COD fraction of an influent domestic wastewater increases. The most important process component in the design of CSASP is the sludge distribution factor (α) which directly affects the effluent characterization Having most of the biomass in the stabilization reactor (meaning low a values) decreases the nominal hydraulic retention time (θHN) of the system. However the sludge distribution factor must be high enough to ensure an acceptable effluent quality.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)285-292
Number of pages8
JournalWater Science and Technology
Issue number11-12
Publication statusPublished - 2004
Externally publishedYes


  • Activated sludge
  • Contact stabilization
  • Design
  • Hydraulic detention time
  • Sludge age


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