Design of serial concatenated MSK schemes based on density evolution

Krishna R. Narayanan*, Ibrahim Altunbaş, R. Sekhar Narayanaswami

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

37 Citations (Scopus)


We consider the design of convolutional codes and low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes with minimum-shift keying (MSK) when the receiver employs iterative decoding and demodulation. The main idea proposed is the design of coded schemes that are well matched to the iterative decoding algorithm being used rather than to hypothetical maximum-likelihood decoding. We first show that the design is crucially dependent on whether the continuous phase encoder (CPE) is realized in recursive form or in nonrecursive form. We then consider the design of convolutionally coded systems and low density parity check codes with MSK to obtain near-capacity performance. With convolutional codes, we show that it is possible to significantly improve the performance by using a mixture of recursive and nonrecursive realizations for the CPE. For low density parity check codes, we show that codes designed for binary phase shift keying are optimal for MSK only if the nonrecursive realization is used; for the recursive realization, we design new LDPC codes based on the concept of density evolution. We show that these codes outperform the best known codes for MSK and have lower decoding complexity.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1283-1295
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Communications
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2003


Paper approved by R. D. Wesel, the Editor for Coding and Communication Theory of the IEEE Communications Society. Manuscript received November 19, 2001. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant CCR-0073506 and Grant CCR-0093020. This paper was presented in part at the IEEE Global Teleceommunications Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2001. This research was performed when ˙. Altunbas¸ was a visiting researcher at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.

FundersFunder number
National Science FoundationCCR-0073506, CCR-0093020


    • Conscious phase modulation
    • Density evolution
    • Iterative decoding
    • LDPC codes
    • Minimum-shift keying (MSK)


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