Damage to petrochemical facilities during earthquakes

M. Cem Ozbey*, Ali Sari

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Petrochemical facilities suffered great damage during earthquakes, not only due to the strong ground shaking, but also because of the extensive uncontrolled fires caused by the earthquakes. 1999 Kocaeli (Turkey), 1964 Niigata (Japan), and 1964 Alaska earthquakes caused significant damage to petrochemical facilities. Tupras oil refinery, which was designed and constructed in 1961 according to the U.S. standards of that time, suffered significant damage after the Kocaeli earthquake. Prior to the earthquake, the Tupras refinery produced 220,000 barrels of oil-related product per day, which was approximately 1/3 of Turkey's total output. The strong shaking damage and the resulting fire damage to the Tupras refinery included port facilities, storage tanks, cooling towers, stacks, and crude-oil processing units. This paper will give detailed information about the damage observed and the consequences of the damage in the Tupras refinery and will give useful recommendations for the oil refineries located at the west coast of the United States.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Externally publishedYes
Event2007 AIChE Spring National Meeting - Houston, TX, United States
Duration: 22 Apr 200727 Apr 2007


Conference2007 AIChE Spring National Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityHouston, TX


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