Crystallographic analysis of FCC → BCT martensitic transformation in the alloy Fe-22% Ni-0.8% C

A. Dogan, Y. Havvatoglua*

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The infinitesimal deformation (ID) approach is applied to analyse the crystallography involved in the fee to bet martensitic transformation for the case of (101)γ[1̄01]γ twinning shear as LIS (lattice invariant shear) system in the alloy Fe-22% Ni-0.8% C. Analytical solutions are derived for habit plane orientation, orientation relationships between austenitc and martensite phases, and the magnitude of the total shape deformation, etc. In order to compare numerical solutions with the ID approach and phenomenological crystallographic theory, the corresponding crystallographic parameters are calculated by using the Ledbetter and Dunn (L-D) theory. The numeric values obtained are compared with the predictions of the phenomenological crystallographic theories, and with experimental results.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)683-691
Number of pages9
JournalPhase Transitions
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2003
Externally publishedYes


  • Crystallography of phase transformations
  • Fe-Ni-C alloy
  • Habit plane
  • Martensitic transformations
  • Solid-solid transitions


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