Content-based copy detection by a subspace learning based video fingerprinting scheme

Ozgun Cirakman*, Bilge Gunsel, Neslihan Serap Sengor, Sezer Kutluk

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7 Citations (Scopus)


We propose a video copy detection scheme that employs a transform domain global video fingerprinting method. Video fingerprinting has been performed by the subspace learning based on nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). It is shown that the binary video fingerprints extracted from the basis and gain matrices of the NMF representation enable us to efficiently represent the spatial and temporal content of a video segment respectively. An extensive performance evaluation has been carried out on the query and reference dataset of CBCD task of TRECVID 2011. Our results are compared with the average and the best performance reported for the task. Also NDCR and F1 rates are reported in comparison to the performance achieved via the global methods designed by the TRECVID 2011 participants. Results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves higher correct detection rates with good localization capability for the transformation of text/logo insertion, strong re-encoding, frame dropping, noise addition, gamma change or their mixtures; however there is still potential for improvement to detect copies with picture-in-picture transformations. It is also concluded that the introduced binary fingerprinting scheme is superior to the existing transform based methods in terms of the compactness.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1381-1409
Number of pages29
JournalMultimedia Tools and Applications
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2014


  • Content based copy detection
  • Non-negative matrix factorization
  • Video fingerprinting


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