Comparison of nanofiltration and adsorption techniques to remove arsenic from drinking water

M. Cakmakci*, A. B. Baspinar, U. Balaban, V. Uyak, I. Koyuncu, C. Kinaci

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26 Citations (Scopus)


Arsenic occurs naturally in the ground and surface water and is not desired in the drinking water due to carcinogenic effect on human body. The common types of arsenic are arsenate (As V) and arsenite (As III). Although arsenate removal has been achieved by membranes, adsorption, ion exchange and coagulation, arsenite removal is diffi cult to decrease the concentration up to the standard level (below to 10 µg/L). In this study, nanofi ltration (NF) and adsorption techniques have been compared to remove arsenite from drinking water. In nanofi ltration study, different NF membranes and arsenite feed concentrations have been studied. Feed water was prepared synthetically and laboratory scale cross-fl ow mode fi ltration apparatus with a fl at-sheet membrane cell was used for NF experiments. In the adsorption experiments with granular iron hydroxide (GIH), all studies were performed in the free water flow and at the normal pH of tap water. It was concluded that arsenite concentration was lowered to below 10 µg/L with adsorption. These results showed that GIH adsorption can be used to remove arsenite concentration of 0.1 and 0.5 g/L from water supplies.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)149-154
Number of pages6
JournalDesalination and Water Treatment
Issue number1-3
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • Arsenite removal
  • Drinking water
  • Granular iron hydroxide
  • Nanofi ltration membranes


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