Benchmarking concretes with pozzolanic materials in terms of rapid chloride penetration test

U. Anil Dogan*, E. Bora Kurt, A. Görkem Saran, M. Hulusi Ozkul

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


Three pozzolanic materials-fly ash, granulated blast-furnace slag, and silica fume (both in densified and undensified forms)have been used as additives in the production of concrete. Rapid chloride penetration test (RCPT) was applied over the air-stored and water-cured specimens at the age of 90 days. The values of chosen variables-binder content, pozzolanic material content, and water-binder ratio (w/b))-were determined by using a statistical experimental design method. For each type of pozzolan used, 20 concrete mixtures were prepared, and a total of 80 mixtures were tested under each curing condition. By using the same statistical software used in design, it was found that pozzolanic material content was more significant than w/b on chloride permeability, particularly for water-cured concretes. Furthermore, the optimum amounts of pozzolans obtained for air-cured concretes were increased to higher levels when efficient curing was applied.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)251-257
Number of pages7
JournalACI Materials Journal
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - May 2009


  • Curing
  • Fly ash
  • Rapid chloride penetration test
  • Silica fume
  • Slag
  • Statistical analysis


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