Application of 30 MWp Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant for Djibouti Vision 2035

Oubah Isman Okieh*, Yasmin Nasser Mohamed, Serhat Seker

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Nowadays, like most of African countries, Djibouti is facing challenging energy access. The country was suffering a shortage of electricity for a long period until the government of Djibouti signed an agreement with the Ethiopia electric power cooperation (EEPCO) company in 2011. Thereby, the electricity consumption of the country is mainly from imported fossil fuels and the interconnection project. In order to realize Djibouti Vision 2035, the Republic of Djibouti signed an agreement with an Emirati company (AMEA) to build the first solar photovoltaic power plant in Grand Bara. In this paper, sizing, and simulation of the 30 MWp grid-connected solar photovoltaic power plant will be done using PVsyst 7.2 software. A 400 W bifacial monocrystalline panel and 160 kW string inverters are used in this study. The simulation results from PVsyst software are to acquire the system production, the performance ratio, and the various power losses such as losses due to irradiance level. The average global horizontal irradiance of the site is 2317.2 kWh/m2 while the average ambient temperature is 25.75° C. About 59.6 GWh of electricity power is injected into the grid with an average performance ratio of 83.21% in the year.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)136-143
Number of pages8
JournalInternational Journal of Renewable Energy Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research.All Rights Reserved.


  • Djibouti Vision 2035
  • Energy access
  • Grand Bara
  • grid-connected solar photovoltaic power plant
  • socio-economic development


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