An optimization study for the bow form of high-speed displacement catamarans

D. B. Danişman*, O. Gören, M. Insel, M. Atlar

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10 Citations (Scopus)


Interest in high-speed marine transportation has acquired a wide variety of hydrodynamic research activities on catamarans, including shape optimization for minimum total resistance. This study attempts to utilize the mathematical programming in optimizing the bow form of twin hulls for minimum total resistance as well as in analyzing the optimization by physical model tests. The total resistance is assumed to be composed of wave-making and frictional components, which are formulated using Michell's thin-ship theory and ITTC-1957 friction line, respectively. The optimized hull form is analyzed by means of a computational flow solver before going through the experimental analysis. The study demonstrates the capabilities of the optimization procedure, presented for catamarans, in reducing the total resistance, as well as its limitations to be used as a design tool in a relatively high-speed zone.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)116-121
Number of pages6
JournalMarine Technology and SNAME News
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2001


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