All off-shell R 2 invariants in five dimensional N=2 supergravity

Mehmet Ozkan, Yi Pang

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46 Citations (Scopus)


We construct supersymmetric completions of various curvature squared terms in five dimensional supergravity with eight supercharges. Adopting the dilaton Weyl multiplet, we obtain the minimal off-shell supersymmetric Ricci scalar squared as well as all vector multiplets coupled curvature squared invariants. Since the minimal off-shell super- symmetric Riemann tensor squared and Gauss-Bonnet combination in the dilaton Weyl multiplet have been obtained before, both the minimal off-shell and the vector multiplets coupled curvature squared invariants in the dilaton Weyl multiplet are complete. We also constructed an off-shell Ricci scalar squared invariant utilizing the standard Weyl multiplet. The supersymmetric Ricci scalar squared in the standard Weyl multiplet is coupled to n number of vector multiplets by construction, and it deforms the very special geometry. We found that in the supersymmetric AdS 5 vacuum, the very special geometry defined on the moduli space is modified in a simple way. Finally, we study the magnetic string and electric black hole solutions in the presence of supersymmetric Ricci scalar squared.

Original languageEnglish
Article number42
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes


  • Classical Theories of Gravity
  • Supergravity Models


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