A multifaceted approach to hydrogen storage

Andrew J. Churchard*, Ewa Banach, Andreas Borgschulte, Riccarda Caputo, Jian Cheng Chen, David Clary, Karol J. Fijalkowski, Hans Geerlings, Radostina V. Genova, Wojciech Grochala, Tomasz Jaroń, Juan Carlos Juanes-Marcos, Bengt Kasemo, Geert Jan Kroes, Ivan Ljubić, Nicola Naujoks, Jens K. Nørskov, Roar A. Olsen, Flavio Pendolino, Arndt RemhofLoránd Románszki, Adem Tekin, Tejs Vegge, Michael Zäch, Andreas Züttel

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61 Citations (Scopus)


The widespread adoption of hydrogen as an energy carrier could bring significant benefits, but only if a number of currently intractable problems can be overcome. Not the least of these is the problem of storage, particularly when aimed at use onboard light-vehicles. The aim of this overview is to look in depth at a number of areas linked by the recently concluded HYDROGEN research network, representing an intentionally multi-faceted selection with the goal of advancing the field on a number of fronts simultaneously. For the general reader we provide a concise outline of the main approaches to storing hydrogen before moving on to detailed reviews of recent research in the solid chemical storage of hydrogen, and so provide an entry point for the interested reader on these diverse topics. The subjects covered include: the mechanisms of Ti catalysis in alanates; the kinetics of the borohydrides and the resulting limitations; novel transition metal catalysts for use with complex hydrides; less common borohydrides; protic-hydridic stores; metal ammines and novel approaches to nano-confined metal hydrides.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)16955-16972
Number of pages18
JournalPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Issue number38
Publication statusPublished - 14 Oct 2011


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