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Insurgent Universality Thinking the Meanings of the Archive and the Poetics of Insurgency
Çalkıvik, E. A. (PI)
12/01/23 → 12/07/23
Project: Research › SRP
Military Fantasies: International Relations and the Politics of the Im-Possible (Askeri Fanteziler: Uluslararası İlişkilerde İmkansızın Siyaseti)
Çalkıvik, E. A. (PI)
19/06/18 → 14/01/19
Project: Research › SRP
DeColonizing International Rekations Theory
Çalkıvik, E. A. (PI)
8/06/16 → 13/12/17
Project: Research › SRP
Killing Time: Writing the Temporatily of Global Politics
Çalkıvik, E. A. (PI)
18/02/16 → 12/02/18
Project: Research › SRP